How do you get the child nodes of a parent node with a certain name using the SelectNodes function?
I want to compare two files. I have XML files like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?><vobject language="nl"><nspace name="One"><cner name="Mutation"><ctrl name="General"><txt>Algemeen</txt></ctrl></cner></nspace></vobject>
But then there are more nspace nodes, with more cner childnodes, and more ctrl nodes, etc. There is always only one txt.
I want to compare two XML files for content.
If a nspace, or cnor or ctrl is the missing in the other file. I want to have a report of that.
If the whole path nspace->cnor->ctrl is the same. But the txt content is not, I want to have a report of that. So far I have come up with this:
XmlDocument xmlorgdoc1 = new XmlDocument(); xmlorgdoc1.Load(textOriginalXML.Text); XmlDocument xmlsyscondoc2 = new XmlDocument(); xmlsyscondoc2.Load(textSavedFromSyscon.Text); XmlNodeList containersOrg = xmlorgdoc1.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("//nspace"); XmlNodeList containersSyscon = xmlsyscondoc2.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("//nspace"); foreach (XmlNode n1 in containersOrg) { string nameattribute1 = n1.Attributes["name"].Value; if (GetInOtherList(nameattribute1, containersSyscon)) { foundNamespaces.Add(nameattribute1); } else { notfoundNamespacesInSys.Add(nameattribute1); } } foreach (XmlNode n2 in containersSyscon) { string nameattribute2 = n2.Attributes["name"].Value; bool found = (foundNamespaces.Find(item => item == nameattribute2) != null); if (!found) { notfoundNamespacesInOrg.Add(n2.Name); } }
But now for al nspace nodes in the two files, that are found in both files, I want to compare the child cner nodes in more of less the same way. Then with the cners in that nspace node that are the same, I want to compare the ctrls, etcetera. And in the end I want to compere the contents of the txt.