I need help in reading multiple sentences in xml Node
for example i have this xml
<description><![CDATA[Create level 1 diagrams.
Breakdown DFDs into lower level diagrams.
Design DFDs into 3rd normal form.
now i want to read the data inside the <description> but i want to loop inside the node and each sentance ending with "." be as one line so the output be like this
1- Create level 1 diagrams.
2- Breakdown DFDs into lower level diagrams.
3- Design DFDs into 3rd normal form.
i did this so far what is missing so i can read the data as i outlined
foreach (var xobjectivein xsession.Descendants("description"))
string objName = xobjective.Value;
string objVerb =Regex.Match(xobjective.Value, @"^(\w+\b.*?){1}").ToString();
LSDEObjective objective =newLSDEObjective(objName, objVerb);