I have some XSLT doing something like
<xsl:value-of select="myObj:OurStringFunc(@testName, 'padright', 30)" />
I can correctly get the custom function to work HOWEVER i can't get it to display corectly space wise
A google suggests several ways :
1. Use <xsl:text> HOWEVER this causes an error because "value-of select" is NOT allowed inside this.
<xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="myObj:OurStringFunc(@testName, 'padright', 30)" /></xsl:text>
2. It references <xsl:preserve-spaceelements="td span"/>
But how to have a dummy element type, e.g. spacesrule so you can
<spacesrule><value-of-select></spacesrule> ???
3. I have seen reference to use   instead of spaces, but this only puts out "text  in the rendered html...
>> Does someone know how i can control spaces from a "value-of select" ??