First time C# XML user VS 2010 - what would be the best approach to reading this "simple" XML file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Project Name="TESTING">
<FieldString Name="Title">Testing XML file Parsing</FieldString>
<FieldString Name="Stage">New</FieldString>
<FieldString Name="Problem Report ID">OTT-588H</FieldString>
<FieldString Name="Reported Date">01/21/2012</FieldString>
<FieldString Name="Reported by">Joe the Flipper</FieldString>
<FieldString Name="Reply To Email"></FieldString>
<FieldString Name="Company">Joe's Dinner</FieldString>
<FieldString Name="Functional Area">Flipping</FieldString>
<FieldString Name="Version Found In"></FieldString>
<FieldString Name="Change Type">Problem</FieldString>
<FieldString Name="Severity">High</FieldString>
<FieldString Name="Program">Cooking</FieldString>
<FieldString Name="Client OS">Win7 6.1.7601 SP1</FieldString>
<FieldString Name="How Found">Customer Reported</FieldString>
<Location>Washington DC</Location>
<FieldString Name="Description"><![CDATA[Testing C# XML parsing for the JIRA bug entry system
TESTING V5.0.0.15 Program: Cooking
Functional Area: Flipping
Domain: JOE-PC User: Joe's: JOE-PC
Operating System: Win7 6.1.7601 SP1
.NET Framework: V4.0.30319.239
Problem Report Utility V8.6.1.27267.NAK
Serial Number: 999990 System ID:
Reported by: Joe the Flipper Email:
Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Company: Joe's Dinner Location: Washington DC
This report was originally addressed to C:\tmp\ on Saturday, 21 January 2012.]]></FieldString>
<AttachedFile Name="ScreenImage-1.png" />
<AttachedFile Name="RegionalSettingsRegistryValues.txt" />
<AttachedFile Name="CurrentUserRegistryValues.txt" />
<AttachedFile Name="LocalMachineRegistryValues.txt" />
<AttachedFile Name="Environment.txt" />
<AttachedFile Name="RunningProcesses.txt" />
<AttachedFile Name="InstalledApps.txt" />
<AttachedFile Name="SystemInfo.txt" />
<AttachedFile Name="the.log" />
<AttachedFile Name="DesignTime.log" />
<AttachedFile Name="gspopts32.log" />
<AttachedFile Name="gspsysinfo.txt" />
My confusion is in reading the fields and getting to the attach file names.
Thanks in Advance