I am working with the XML below trying to generate an Excel spreadsheet from it. It is mostly working fine but I am having issues with a loop inside a loop.
Sub FillHostsReport(ByRef objXLA, ByRef objConfigXml, ByVal myTime, ByVal sheetNumber, ByRef iY)
Dim objHosts, objMap
Set objSheet = objXLA.Workbooks(1).WorkSheets(sheetNumber)
Set objHosts = objConfigXml.selectNodes("//storagecell/object")
For Each objMap in objHosts
Set objSingle = objMap
objSheet.Cells(iY,2).Value = objSingle.selectSingleNode("objectname").Text
objSheet.Cells(iY,3).Value = objSingle.selectSingleNode("objecttype").Text
objSheet.Cells(iY,4).Value = objSingle.selectSingleNode("totalstoragespace").Text
What I need is Column 5 to contain rows of the portwwn values which could be many. So far any code that I have used has only resulted in the first portwwn value.