Im trying to serialize a xml document with an array element also have attributes like below:
<HotelList d1="4" d2="3" d3="4"><Hotel><Id>555</Id><Price>50</Price></Hotel><Hotel><Id>556</Id><Price>55</Price></Hotel> ....</HotelList>
By creating a custom class name HotelList i can get attribute array like this:
.... [XmlElement] public HotelList HotelList { get; set; } } public class HotelList { [XmlAnyAttribute] public XmlAttribute[] AttributeList{ get; set; } }
And i can get the HotelList like this:
[XmlArray] [XmlArrayItem(ElementName = "Hotel"] public Hotel[] HotelList{ get; set; }
Problem is i cant acchive both becouse i have to declare type of the HotelList as custom "HotelList" class or Hotel[] array;
I tried to inherit custom HotelList class for IList and IEnumerable but it doesnt fill AttributeList;
How can i get both array items and attributes,
Thank you in advance.