I have some xpath(few examples below) and I am validating against xml response , while doing so can I get exactly where the xpath has failed
xpath: 1. //view/section/row[cell/data[@value='myjob']]/cell[8]/data[@value='Completed']
2. //view/section/row/cell[5]/action[@actionId='nmc.jobProperties' and @type='url']/label[@value='myjob']
3. //view/title[@value='Jobs: Scheduled Jobs']
4. complex an nested one
//view/section/row[(cell/data[@value='Other Roles']) and (cell/data[contains(@value,'336')]) and (cell/data[contains(@value,'0')]) and (cell/data[contains(@value,'320')]) and (cell/data[contains(@value,'16')]) and (cell/data[contains(@value,'0')]) and (cell/data[contains(@value,'0')]) and (cell/data[contains(@value,'0')]) and (cell/data[contains(@value,'0')]) and (cell/data[contains(@value,'0')]) and (cell/data[contains(@value,'0')]) and (cell/data[contains(@value,'0')]) and (cell/data[contains(@value,'0')]) and (cell/data[contains(@value,'0')])]
so, while validating these xpaths against xml which i already have, I should be able to get where exactly the xpath failed
say 1. failed at //view/section/row[cell -- becoz row doesnot have a cell
2. failed at //view/section/row/cell[5]/action[@actionId='nmc.jobProperties' and @type='url'] becoz type has no value
3. failed at //view/title[@value='Jobs: Scheduled Jobs'] becoz value has just 'Scheduled Jobs' instead of 'Jobs: Scheduled Jobs'
4. failed at //view/section/row[(cell/data[@value='Other Roles']) and (cell/data[contains(@value,'336')]) and (cell/data[contains(@value,'0')]) and (cell/data[contains(@value,'320')]) becoz row didnot have cell with value 320
Any suggestions/help for optimized programming
Thanks in advance