So I have the XSLT code (it's correct, it's tested separately) and I have it hard-coded as a string (that's a requirement, don't bother asking). Loading the XML, the XSLT and all this stuff is OK.
But when I use the XmlDocument as 1st argument in XmlCompiledTransform.Transform()
get exception about White
space handling
Then I use the XmlReader as 1st argument, and this works, but I get exception as I try to save the transformed file, and the exception is Invalid
XML document. The document does not have a root element.
Here is the code:
Dim xsltTransformerCode As New xsltTransformCode() Dim myXmlDoc As New XmlDocument() Dim resultXmlDoc As New XmlDocument() Dim sr As New StringReader(xsltTransformerCode.transformationXSLTcode()) Dim xr As XmlReader = XmlReader.Create(sr) Dim xsltTransCompiled As New XslCompiledTransform() 'write the stringified xslt code to file, in order to check its validity manually' File.WriteAllText("C:\Users\gk\Desktop\tempXSLTcode.xsl", xsltTransformerCode.transformationXSLTcode()) 'load the xml string taken from the database' myXmlDoc.Load("C:\Users\gk\Desktop\XTilbud.xml") 'load the stylesheet' xsltTransCompiled.Load(xr) Using xw As XmlWriter = resultXmlDoc.CreateNavigator().AppendChild() xsltTransCompiled.Transform(myXmlDoc, Nothing, xw) xw.Close() End Using resultXmlDoc.Save("C:\Users\gk\Desktop\myXMLfile.xml") sr.Dispose() sr.Close() xr.Close()
P.S. I want to transform the original document and pass its value to another xmlDocument and save it. (Or if I can transform and save the same object, then it's ok. I
am open for suggestions).
So what I need is somehow to get the value of the reader and save it as XML document or smth like that, I am not sure...