I'm looking for a thread which can point me in the right direction regarding xml elements being duplicated and declared twice. I.E. when I open a .xsd file I get errors stating ,e.g., The complexType 'http://...:openAttrs' has already been declared. When
I go to properties and open schemas there are several schemas being used from different directories that have, (when I open them), identical declarations to the schema I am currently working with raising errors. The schemas with identical
declarations belong to the Microsoft v.s. 10.0 / xml folder and I do not want to change them specifically xsdschema.xsd and xml.xsd. Is there a workaround to this issue whereby I can use both declarations in different files, because when I configure
the properties/xml schemas on v.s. 2010 to not use these v.s. 10.0/xml files I get more errors???