PrivateFunction CreateDOM()Dim domSet dom = New DOMDocument60 dom.async = False dom.validateOnParse = False dom.resolveExternals = False dom.preserveWhiteSpace = TrueSet CreateDOM = domEndFunctionPrivateSub Form_Load()Dim dom, node, attrOnErrorGoTo ErrorHandlerSet dom = CreateDOM' Create a processing instruction targeted for xml.Set node = dom.createProcessingInstruction("xml", "version='1.0'") dom.appendChild nodeSet node = Nothing' Create a processing instruction targeted for xml-stylesheet.Set node = dom.createProcessingInstruction("xml-stylesheet", _"type='text/xml' href='test.xsl'") dom.appendChild nodeSet node = Nothing' Create a comment for the document.Set node = dom.createComment("sample xml file created using XML DOM object.") dom.appendChild nodeSet node = Nothing' Create the root element.Dim rootSet root = dom.createElement("root")' Create a "created" attribute for the root element and' assign the "using dom" character data as the attribute value.Set attr = dom.createAttribute("created") attr.Value = "using dom" root.setAttributeNode attrSet attr = Nothing' Add the root element to the DOM instance. dom.appendChild root' Insert a newline + tab. root.appendChild dom.createTextNode(vbNewLine + vbTab)' Create and add more nodes to the root element just created.' Create a text element.Set node = dom.createElement("node1") node.Text = "some character data"' Add text node to the root element. root.appendChild nodeSet node = Nothing' Add a newline plus tab. root.appendChild dom.createTextNode(vbNewLine + vbTab)' Create an element to hold a CDATA section.Set node = dom.createElement("node2")Set cd = dom.createCDATASection("<some mark-up text>") node.appendChild cdSet cd = Nothing dom.documentElement.appendChild nodeSet node = Nothing' Add a newline plus tab. root.appendChild dom.createTextNode(vbNewLine + vbTab)' Create an element to hold three empty subelements.Set node = dom.createElement("node3")' Create a document fragment to be added to node3.Set frag = dom.createDocumentFragment' Add a newline + tab + tab. frag.appendChild dom.createTextNode(vbNewLine + vbTab + vbTab) frag.appendChild dom.createElement("subNode1")' Add a newline + tab + tab. frag.appendChild dom.createTextNode(vbNewLine + vbTab + vbTab) frag.appendChild dom.createElement("subNode2")' Add a newline + tab + tab. frag.appendChild dom.createTextNode(vbNewLine + vbTab + vbTab) frag.appendChild dom.createElement("subNode3")' Add a newline + tab. frag.appendChild dom.createTextNode(vbNewLine + vbTab) node.appendChild fragSet frag = Nothing root.appendChild node ' Add a newline. root.appendChild dom.createTextNode(vbNewLine)Set node = Nothing' Save the XML document to a file. App.Path + "\dynamDom.xml"Set root = NothingSet dom = NothingExitSub ErrorHandler: MsgBox Err.Description EndSub
Why I cannot use the following code inside VBA in MS word? What should I do if I want to make that work?