Hi All,
I am using XSLT to have XML data and Providing it to Excel.
I am having excel formula generated in C# code, generated formula is "=IF(COUNTIF(D5:H5,"yes")>=1,C5,0) + IF(COUNTIF(D6:H6,"yes")>=1,C6,0) + IF(COUNTIF(D7:H7,"yes")>=1,C7,0) + IF(COUNTIF(D8:H8,"yes")>=1,C8,0)+ IF(COUNTIF(D9:H9,"yes")>=1,C9,0)"
Above generated formula is assigned in the XML element.
But when I open the Excel file this formula is considered as text, this formula is not getting applied.
I have to press the Enter Key to evaluate the formula.
Any suggestion to convert this text in formula ?
Please kindly let me know.