I am receiving xml that is a serialized .net object in xml form. The issue is that I when I try to create an xml similar to the serialized object, the attributes do not seem to match quite right using XElement.
Example: (This is a subset of actual data and what I want it to look like, and the object serialized is called - MyTestData) <anyType d2p1:type="MyTestData">
I try to specify the type as described above for the "d2p1:type",but as far as I can tell the ":" is not a valid character.
What I tried using the below, it throws an exception on the ":" symbol.
If I try the following below it puts extra items in the list which I do not need.
XNamespace aw ="d2p1"; newNode.SetAttributeValue(aw +"type","MyTestData");
This is what it generates:
<anyType p5:type="MyTestData" xmlns:p5="d2p1">
What I need to be generated:<anyType d2p1:type="MyTestData">
Thanks for any suggestions!