I have an Xml file that has some values (InnerText) that has been encrypted. I have the decript tool which accepts the InnerText of the element (not an attribute) and a password.
Here is the approximate xml structure:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Configuration Version="2.2"><Globals xmlns="http://www.site.com"><DataFrameResizable Value="True"/><DataFrameMinWidth Value="360"/><HomePanelContent><![CDATA[ <p style="text-align: center">Text...</p> ]]></HomePanelContent></Globals><Modules><AdvancedSearch LibraryId="LibraryId"><Views><View Visible="false" Id="AdvancedSearchView" Type="AdvancedSearchView" Region="DataRegion"/></Views><Configuration><searches><search><ID>0</ID><name>Equipment</name><description/><searchfields><field><ID>0</ID><name>88CntWQzzOp72jT3r8hpHw==</name> <--- THIS LINE<mandatory>True</mandatory><fieldtype>TextBox</fieldtype><parametersComboBox><parameters><selecttable>MMtAGQM3bk3KyfcZa6MoXA==</selecttable><valuecolumn>MMtAGQM3bk3KyfcZa6MoXA==</valuecolumn></parameters></parametersComboBox></field><field> SOME MORE ELEMENTS HERE</field></searchfields></search></searches></Configuration></AdvancedSearch></Modules></Configuration>
I have indicated on the xml one of the lines that has to have its value decrypted (<-- THIS LINE) but there are a couple more on the file.
Also the xml is dynamic, meaning it can have more elements that are not present at this time.
Now what I need is to create a dynamic method in C# preferably that iterates through everything and replaces only the encrypted text.
I know I can do that by referencing the tags and using xelement or xpath but the issue is I need to make it dynamic.
Can anyone help me please?
If needed I will provide further info.
Thanks in advance