I am trying to iterate the article and all its descendent's nodes, but i am currently getting exception on the line of code:
exception --> This operation would create an incorrectly structured document.
code line --> xDoc.Add(article);
I tried changing the first node but I cannot get this error to resolve. Please advise. Thank you
public string createArticleALL() { XDocument xDoc = new XDocument(new XElement("Root")); using (....)) { con.Open(); .... { XElement article; SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { article = new XElement("article"); article.Add(new XElement("status", "Approved")); string title; article.Add(new XElement("title", title = reader.GetString(0))); article.Add(new XElement("subtitle", title)); article.Add(new XElement("synopsis", reader.GetString(4) + "...")); string pub = reader["publication_id"].ToString(); string iss = reader["issue_id"].ToString(); string sid = reader["STORYID"].ToString(); string c = url(title, pub, iss, sid); article.Add(new XElement("url", c)); article.Add(new XElement("display_date", DateTime.Today)); xDoc.Add(article); } } } return xDoc.ToString(); }