I am having a great deal of difficulty trying to get an *.asp page to execute("post") back to an HTTP / SSL page. I have seen this error repeated all over the Internet. I have a valid certificate and have set up IIS accordingly. I have also turned down the security settings on my browser, installed msxml6 on the server and I still get the following error:
msxml6.dll error '80072f0c'
A certificate is required to complete client authentication
/YUMTest/httpstest/send_jp.asp, line 20
On the server, windows 2k, I have two different sites set up. One is the fully qualified domain name and the second is on port 8080. The files load on either of the sites but will give the error above as long as the #####.send(); is in place. This is all running in JScript but I have also tried in VBScript with more or less the same results. Here is the code I am using to do a basic post but gives the error everytime it loads the page:
<%@ Language=JScript %>
var request = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0");
request.setOption(3) = "(My common name)";
request.open("POST", "(the SSL/HTTPS serve)", false, "LOGIN", "PASSWORD")//request.setOption(2) = "13056";
request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml");
Any help would be greatly appreciated.