I need a help with the below situation.
I have two sources of XML which I am passing to the XSLT and read the values from both the XMLs by mapping the common field and derive the output, but I am not able to read the values from the XML file which is passed as the parameter to the XSLT.
Here is what I have tried…everything is working except that I am not able to map and read the values from the file which is passed as a parameter…
In this case, I am passing one of the XML as a parameter to the XSLT( which is File1, the content of File1 is given below) ...
C# Code:
privatestring TransformXML(string xml,string PathClient, string strKeyId)
//read XML
TextReader tr1 = newStringReader(xml);
XmlTextReader tr11 = newXmlTextReader(tr1);
XPathDocument xPathDocument = newXPathDocument(tr11);
//read XSLT
XmlTextReader tr22 = newXmlTextReader(PathClient);
XslCompiledTransform xslt = newXslCompiledTransform();
XsltSettings xsettings = newXsltSettings(false,true);
xsettings.EnableDocumentFunction = true;
xslt.Load(tr22, xsettings, new XmlUrlResolver());
//create the output stream
StringBuilder sb = newStringBuilder();
TextWriter tw = newStringWriter(sb);
//Add doc....
XmlDocument ptrDoc = newXmlDocument();
//xsl.Transform (doc, null, Console.Out);
XsltArgumentList args = newXsltArgumentList();
args.AddParam("ParamPKeyName","", strKeyId);
args.AddParam("File1","", ptrDoc);
xslt.Transform(xPathDocument, args, tw);
return sb.ToString();
File1 source (which is passed as parameter to the xslt):
<CHILD PNUM="1" PKID="" PKID1="" PKID2="" PName1="" PName2="" PName3="" PAdd1="" PAdd2="" PCity=""
PID="Form" />
<CHILD PNUM="" PKID="" PKID1="" PKID2="" PName1="" PName2="" PName3="" PAdd1="" PAdd2="" PCity=""
PID="Line" />
<CHILD PNUM="" PKID="" PKID1="" PKID2="" PName1="" PName2="" PName3="" PAdd1="" PAdd2="" PCity=""
PID="Code" />
<CHILD PNUM="P No" PKID="PKey ID" PKID1="Other ID" PKID2="Other ID - 2" PName1="P Name Line 1"
PName2="P Name PAdd1="Street Address 1" PAdd2="Street Address 2" PCity="City" PID=""/>
<CHILD PNUM="" PKID="PDetails" PKID1="" PKID2="" PName1="" PName2="" PName3="" PAdd1="" PAdd2=""
<CHILD PNUM="1" PKID="1" PKID1="" PKID2="" PName1=" Name Line 1# " PName2="Name Line 1b" PName3=""
PAdd1=" 1 Mai$n S.t" PAdd2="Apt 1" PCity="NewCity" PID="1" />
<CHILD PNUM="2" PKID="2" PKID1="" PKID2="" PName1="Name Line 2a" PName2="" PName3="" PAdd1="2 Main St"
PAdd2="" PCity="Berlin" PID="2" />
<CHILD PNUM="3" PKID="3" PKID1="" PKID2="" PName1="First Middle Last" PName2="" PName3="" PAdd1="3
Main St" PAdd2="" PCity="Los Angeles" PID="3" />
Now the source XML is as follows…
Source XML:
<CHILD PNUM="" PKID="" PKID1="" PKID2="" PName1="" PName2="" P_DOMFOR="" DP1="" DP2=""/>
<CHILD PNUM="" PKID="" PKID1="" PKID2="" PName1="" PName2="" P_DOMFOR="" DP1="" DP2=""/>
<CHILD PNUM="" PKID="" PKID1="" PKID2="" PName1="" PName2="" P_DOMFOR="" DP1="" DP2=""/>
<CHILD PNUM="P No" PKID="P Key ID" PName1="Name Line 1" PName2="Name Line 2" P_DOMFOR="Domestic" />
<CHILD PNUM="1" PKID="1" PKID1="" PKID2="" PName1="Name Line 1a" PName2="Name Line 1b"
P_DOMFOR="Domestic" DP1="10" DP2="20"/>
<CHILD PNUM="2" PKID="2" PKID1="" PKID2="" PName1="Name Line 2a" PName2="" P_DOMFOR="Foreign"
DP1="100" DP2="200"/>
<CHILD PNUM="3" PKID="3" PKID1="" PKID2="" PName1="First Middle Last" PName2="" P_DOMFOR="Domestic"
DP1="1000" DP2="2000"/>
The output I am looking for is –
Expected output:
For each of the PKID in the source XML,
For ex: when PKID=1
Get the corresponding value of the PKID=1 of PName1 attribute from the Input XML which is = Name Line 1#
Get the value of PKID=1 of DP1 (from the Source XML)
Get the value of PKID=1 of DP2 (from the Source XML)
So for the selected PKID=1, 2, the output will be -
Name Line 1#
Name Line 2a </Name>
The XSLT code that I have tried is –
XSLT Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" exclude-result-prefixes="msxsl"
xmlns:exsl="http://exslt.org/common" extension-element-prefixes="exsl"
<xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes"/>
<xsl:param name="File1" select="msxsl:node-set('')"/>
<xsl:variable name="id-list" select="concat(',', $ParamPKeyName, ',')"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:apply-templates select="XMLContent/CONTENT1/DATA/CHILD[(string(number(@PNUM)) != 'NaN') and (@PNUM != '') and contains($id-list, concat(',', @PNUM, ','))]"/>
<xsl:template match="CHILD">
<xsl:variable name="RecordNo">
<xsl:value-of select="position()"/>
<xsl:variable name="PNo" select="@PNUM"/>
<xsl:copy-of select="File1"/> ( I am able to get the complete set of File-1 which is passed as parameter to XSLT, but not the Name Line 1# value)
<xsl:value-of select="@DP1"/>
<xsl:value-of select="@DP2"/>
Could you please help with this, also if I load around 15000 records (CHILD elements) will that affect the performance)