I'm still reading the Definitive XML Schema but i don't understand some things
I have a problem in loading ifcxml files from allplan with the xsd.exe tree generator.
I attach all my files, with the xml .
I ask you:
1) i hope that the allplan ifc xml files are Validable, then where i can "put the hand" or change something for get the result?
2)create an xslt trasformation that "repairs" the problem?
in particular i see that:
<IfcAxis2Placement3D id="i1556"><Location><IfcCartesianPoint id="i1584"><Coordinates ex:cType="list"><IfcLengthMeasure ex:pos="0">0.</IfcLengthMeasure><IfcLengthMeasure ex:pos="1">0.</IfcLengthMeasure><IfcLengthMeasure ex:pos="2">0.</IfcLengthMeasure></Coordinates></IfcCartesianPoint></Location></IfcAxis2Placement3D>
the xsd(ex.xsd) have this declaration:
<xs:schema xmlns:ex="urn:iso.org:standard:10303:part(28):version(2):xmlschema:common" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" targetNamespace="urn:iso.org:standard:10303:part(28):version(2):xmlschema:common" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
says that the
elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
this can be changed for eliminate most of the errors , the other problem is that if i change this line the id are unqualified
<IfcAxis2Placement3D id="i1556">
and i get other errors, is possible to ignore the ids and refs from the validation?
3)I see that there are 3 xsd one , the configuration.xsd i don't understand what does, i must import it in my xsd.exe command line?
and in the ex.xsd there is this code:
<!-- INCLUDE the configuration schema holding the P28 configuration schema -->
<!-- <xs:include schemaLocation="configuration.xsd"/> -->
<!-- DEFINE the P28 root element -->
i must uncomment the configuration line?
what do this configuration file ?
the files are at : http://www.giugioferrari.com/files.rar