I am using Linq to XML related classes for processing of XML that i get from a web server. Using the System.Net.HttpWebRequest and related classes i can successfully get the xml as a string. Now, want to convert the string i get into XElement (or XDocument), for which i am using XElement.Parse(string text) method. Then i display the values of some attributes in textboxes.
I had no problems until i found a subtle bug. The problem is that sometimes the WebServer sends XML which has a newline character in some attributes. To give an example the server sends something like this:
Now when i try to parse it into xml using XElement.Parse(string text) then i see that the \n has been converted into a space i.e. 0x20 char. So whenever i try to display the value of the Description in a TextBox using something like
I know that the WebSever should have send 
 instead of a \n but is there a way to fix it ?
I used String.Replace() to replace all \n with 
 but it also relpaces any \n outside the attribute so my original xml becomes
Also, it is surprising that the XAttribute does not seem to have this problem
I am using Linq to XML related classes for processing of XML that i get from a web server. Using the System.Net.HttpWebRequest and related classes i can successfully get the xml as a string. Now, want to convert the string i get into XElement (or XDocument), for which i am using XElement.Parse(string text) method. Then i display the values of some attributes in textboxes.
I had no problems until i found a subtle bug. The problem is that sometimes the WebServer sends XML which has a newline character in some attributes. To give an example the server sends something like this:
<?xml version="1.0" ?><Items><Item Name=\"Item1\" Description=\"First Item\"/><Item Name=\"Item2\" Description=\"Item with \n newline\"/></Items>
If you look at the description of the second item you will see that there is a newline character \n in it. I found out that the server is sending 0x0D 0x0A (carriage return, line feed) sequence which the text visualiser correctly displays as newline.Now when i try to parse it into xml using XElement.Parse(string text) then i see that the \n has been converted into a space i.e. 0x20 char. So whenever i try to display the value of the Description in a TextBox using something like
int i = 0;
XElement itemElement = XElement.Parse(serverString);
foreach(XElement itemElement in itemElement.Elements("Item"))
string description = (string)itemElement.Attribute("Description");
TextBoxList[i].Text = descriptionText;
I get a space instead of a newline in the TextBox. This is because of the \n to 'space' conversion while Xelement.Parse is used.I know that the WebSever should have send 
 instead of a \n but is there a way to fix it ?
I used String.Replace() to replace all \n with 
 but it also relpaces any \n outside the attribute so my original xml becomes
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<Item Name=\"Item1\" Description=\"First Item\"/>
<Item Name=\"Item2\" Description=\"Item with 
so it does not parse due to 
 present outside the attributes. Also, it is surprising that the XAttribute does not seem to have this problem
XAttribute xa = new XAttribute("Description", "Item with \n newline");
string attributeValue = (string)xa.Value;
this code works perfectly and value of attributeValue is Item with \n newline . Is there any way out of this ?