Hello All,
recently we have created new web server and moved our vb.net based web services to the new server(Windows 2012).
below is my code, in web service project i have referred Interop.MSXML2 dll(Microsoft XML, v6.0) when i publish in server then while the control reach at objNodeList.Reset() this line then im getting exception as "Public member 'Reset' on type 'XmlNodeList' not found" . Using Log only i found the line of exception
it was working perfectly in old server(Windows 2003), in new server i have installed asp.net 4.0, iis, also msxml6.msi from link then also its not working so, installed MS office 2007 also but no luck.
experts please advise,
Public Sub ParseResponse() Dim objNodeList Dim i Dim tmp1, tmp2, tmp3 Dim sha1hash Dim XMLRoot Dim XMLItem Log.WriteLog("1: ", MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().ToString() & "-" & Me.GetType().BaseType.FullName) objNodeList = XMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("response") Log.WriteLog("objNodeList: " & objNodeList.ToString(), MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().ToString() & "-" & Me.GetType().BaseType.FullName) responseFields.Add("timestamp", objNodeList.Item(0).getAttribute("timestamp")) 'Log.WriteLog("XMLDoc.getElementsByTagName('response'): " & XobjNodeList.Item(0).getAttribute("timestamp"), ' MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().ToString() & "-" & Me.GetType().BaseType.FullName) Log.WriteLog("before first reset: ", MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().ToString() & "-" & Me.GetType().BaseType.FullName)objNodeList.Reset()
Log.WriteLog("after first reset: ",
MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().ToString() & "-" & Me.GetType().BaseType.FullName)-------------------- }