ODBC Drivers for Microsoft SQL Server issue for Default Schema.
If Default schema is other then the 'dbo' then how can we define using DSN (ODBC Drivers).
We tried following things
1. Provided 'DefaultSchema' string value in ODBC DSN registry
2. Provided 'DefaultSchema' in ODBCConnection connection string
3. Assign Default Schema to user through which we are accessing DSN. This works for SqlConnection class but not for ODBCConnection class.
It gives following error
ODBCMappingViewERROR [42S02] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid object name '<Table Name>'.
We want a generalize solution that can work for all ODBC drivers for Table Schema.
We only want to use ODBC DSN for accessing the data.
If Default schema is other then the 'dbo' then how can we define using DSN (ODBC Drivers).
We tried following things
1. Provided 'DefaultSchema' string value in ODBC DSN registry
2. Provided 'DefaultSchema' in ODBCConnection connection string
3. Assign Default Schema to user through which we are accessing DSN. This works for SqlConnection class but not for ODBCConnection class.
It gives following error
ODBCMappingViewERROR [42S02] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid object name '<Table Name>'.
We want a generalize solution that can work for all ODBC drivers for Table Schema.
We only want to use ODBC DSN for accessing the data.