The XML document that I have:
--> some elements</House></Street><Street><Position>5</Position><Block>
--> some elements</Block></Street><Street><Position>6</Position><House>
--> some elements</House></Street><Street><Position>6</Position><Block>
--> some elements</Block></Street></Area>
And it gets arranged like this:
--> some elements</House><Block>
--> some elements</Block></Street><Street><Position>6</Position><House>
--> some elements</House><Block>
--> some elements</Block></Street></Area>
And this is the XSLT code I use:
<xsl:stylesheetxmlns:xsl=""version="1.0"><xsl:strip-spaceelements="*"/><xsl:outputmethod="xml"indent="yes"/><xsl:keyname="streetByPosition"match="Street"use="concat(../Type, '|', Position)"/><xsl:templatematch="@*|node()"><xsl:copy><xsl:apply-templatesselect="@*|node()"/></xsl:copy></xsl:template><!-- for the first Street in each Position --><xsl:templatematch="Street[generate-id() =
generate-id(key('streetByPosition', concat(../Type, '|', Position))[1])]"><Street><!-- copy in the Position element once only --><xsl:apply-templatesselect="Position"/><!-- copy in all sub-elements except Position from all matching Streets--><xsl:apply-templatesselect="
key('streetByPosition', concat(../Type, '|', Position))/*[not(self::Position)]"/></Street></xsl:template><!-- ignore all other Street elements --><xsl:templatematch="Street"/></xsl:stylesheet>
But I got a new requirement, where there is also the element Option
each Block
or House
with an attribute. The element can be called either <L
or <O
but they have the same meaning and function. Just that L
is under House
and O
is underBlock
But that is not that important.
The attribute of this Option
can be either empty (so it will look like <O
Option="" LineNr="1">
) or have some value a
or o
Option="a" LineNr="1"
So I need to make arrangement according to some conditions. As I have multiple and repetitive positions under the same Type I want to check the value of the Option attribute and if the Option of the first occurrence of a position in a type has value and then all the rest positions with the same number, in this type, have also Option with a value, then I want to arrange them under the header of the upper position. For example:
6 __ o/a
6 __ o/a
6 __ o/a -> Then the elements (Blocks and Houses) under Position 6 will not be arranged together under header "Position 6" but will go together with the 5.
But if not all of the positions are with Option value, like the scenario:
6 __ o/a (or no "o/a" value)
6 __ o/a (or no "o/a" value) -> Then they get arranged as 5 and 6 (so normal arrangement, as the code works now).
Or if in the certain type there is only one Position number that occurs, but all of the Option attributes have values, like:
6 __ o/a
6 __ o/a
6 __ o/a -> They get arranged in the normal way.
So the conditions are: 1. if the first occurrence of the position has a value in its Option and all the rest of this position number under it have also value in the Option - then they get arranged under the upper position number that occurs in the current type.
- if all the position occurrences have value in the Option, but there are no other different position numbers in the current type - then they are arranged under the current position number (because there is no other different position number).