I am trying to find out whether an XML Attribute with a specific value exists or not in each node of the xml document. My code is as follows:
Option Explicit Dim sheet As Worksheet Dim rowCount1, rowCount2, rowCount3, i As Integer Dim xNode As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode Dim xDoc As MSXML2.DOMDocument Dim Nodes As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList Public Sub LoadDocument() rowCount1 = 0 rowCount2 = 0 rowCount3 = 0 Set xDoc = New MSXML2.DOMDocument xDoc.validateOnParse = False If xDoc.load("D:\Feedroutes.xml") Then Set Nodes = xDoc.SelectNodes("//Property[@name='Value']") ' The document loaded successfully. AttributesToColumns Else ' The document failed to load. End If End Sub Public Sub AttributesToColumns() Set sheet = ActiveSheet For Each xNode In Nodes If Not Nodes Is Nothing Then rowCount1 = rowCount1 + 1 sheet.Cells(rowCount1, 3).Value = xNode.Text 'I want to increment the rowCount even if the attribute with the 'specific value doesn't exist ElseIf Nodes Is Nothing Then rowCount1 = rowCount1 + 1 End If Next xNode End Sub
At present it only writes the values of the attributes in successive rows, whereas the desired output is, write only in rows where the attribute with the specific value is present. My XML looks like this:
<Tag name="PosLim" path="Feeders/R1" type="OPC"><Property name="Value">0.0</Property><Property name="DataType">4</Property><Property name="OPCServer">Ignition OPC-UA Server</Property><Property name="OPCItemPath">[Siemens]DB141,I74</Property><Property name="ScaleMode">1</Property><Property name="RawHigh">1000.0</Property><Property name="FormatString">#,##0.00</Property><Property name="EngUnit">Kg</Property></Tag><Tag name="JogSettle" path="Feeders/R1" type="OPC"><Property name="DataType">1</Property><Property name="OPCServer">Ignition OPC-UA Server</Property><Property name="OPCItemPath">[Siemens]DB141,I96</Property><Property name="RawHigh">1000.0</Property><Property name="FormatString">#,##0</Property><Property name="EngUnit">S</Property></Tag><Tag name="Positive Tol" path="Feeders/R1" type="OPC"><Property name="Value">0.0</Property><Property name="DataType">4</Property><Property name="OPCServer">Ignition OPC-UA Server</Property><Property name="OPCItemPath">[Siemens]DB141,I78</Property><Property name="ScaleMode">1</Property><Property name="RawHigh">1000.0</Property><Property name="FormatString">#,##0.00</Property><Property name="EngUnit">Kg</Property></Tag>
My purpose is to write the values of attribute "name" where name = "Value" and all the other attributes as well in corresponding rows, not successive rows. So from the xml file above, my excel output should be:
Row No. Value ScaleMode
Row1 0 1
Row3 0 1 etc